Write the stories you’ve been longing to tell

build your writing confidence with flow & ease

Writing Coach & Guide

There is space for you at this table, within a writing group committed to telling meaningful stories. You will travel together on an inspiring journey, sharing laughter, tears, setbacks, and celebrations. You will be seen and heard in powerful ways that will transform your writing… and your life.

Join Marie’s Writing Oasis

Join my private Facebook community where we hone our words in the spirit of creativity, play, listening, and support.
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Receive simple, inspiring writing prompts to play with

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Share your writing and questions with a heart-centered writing community

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Support, honour, and be witness to others' writing

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Receive bonus pricing offers on writing courses!


Join FREE Creative Focus Sessions, where you can bring your current project and work alongside other writers (these take place on Zoom).


I'm Marie Maccagno,

Founder of Adventures in Writing

As a mentor and guide, I aim to provide the same inclusive, supportive experience I had when I started writing and sharing my words. Without this support, I never would have had the clarity and courage to write my memoir, The Chocolate Pilgrim, based on my experience of walking the Camino de Santiago with my husband and adult son.

Marie's book The Chocolate Pilgrim about walking the Camino de Santiago

grow your writing

Woman sitting on a couch writing in a notebook

Write the Stories
of Your Life

Allow your words to flow onto the page as you tell memorable stories infused with life and magic. Build your confidence to share the stories that matter the most to you.

back of a lady's head reading to an online group on a laptop

Develop Your
Writing Skills

Receive writing tools and skills that are tailored to your writing style and goals. Learn how to free up creative energy and practice your new skills consistently!

lady in kitchen reading off a page with a laptop in front of her

Discover the Strength of Your Words

Build on the strength you already have in your writing. Your words will flourish within a circle of trust and respect, which you can offer in kind to your fellow writers.

lady lion tamer holding a yellow hoop

Tame Your
Inner Critic

We all have an inner voice that criticizes and holds us back from manifesting our creative visions. Marie gently teaches how to turn down the volume on the criticism so you can bring your projects to completion.

The Writing Feedback Guidebook

How to Ask For & Receive Helpful, Supportive Feedback on Your Writing

Not all writing reviewers are created equal! When you hand your carefully crafted pages to someone to provide feedback, the result is often unhelpful & at worst, can be crushing. This FREE guide will help you choose insightful, supportive readers. It will also teach you how to ask for what you need and want from them to continue honing your writing with confidence.

Learn more about my coaching process in the video below!

In my small-group writing programs, we write together and share using a process that will transform your writing and your life. As an added bonus, deep friendships that transcend geographical boundaries are formed. Writing together in this way is an antidote to isolation.

Marie looking at a laptop

I remember “writing stories” before I knew how to form letters, but it wasn’t until I was 55 that I seriously committed to writing. I had always felt a deep yearning to express my stories that never went away. Eventually I found myself in a state of personal freedom I hadn’t experienced while my kids were growing up.

As I dove into the process of committed writing, I also experienced the ups and downs of sharing my words, revising them, completing my writing projects, and eventually publishing a memoir. Throughout this process I grew passionate about helping writers like you improve your writing skills through a lens of encouragement first, and a focus on what’s in your writing. Read more about Marie’s story>>