Reflections on Choosing a Word For the Year

Reflections on Choosing a Word For the Year

For the past six years I’ve been choosing a word for the year, although recently I feel as if the words have been choosing me. “Fierce” showed up for 2020, and as much as I pushed that word away, it kept showing up. I associated the quality of fierce with being angry and aggressive, not qualities I seek to embody. Finally, my resistance broke down and I allowed “Fierce” tempered with compassion to guide my actions. I have compassionately connected with our shared humanity through suffering and celebrations. I’ve learned more about the importance of service to others, making choices with conviction and determination.
In relation to my work, I have a fierce passion for the power of writing together and sharing our words. I recognize, more than ever, that the process of writing together is a way of nurturing deep human connection. One of my biggest challenges this year was shifting all my writing programs online. This led to my biggest surprise: the interactive process of writing and sharing our words online is a powerful way to diminish isolation, nurture creativity, and build relationships. We need these opportunities more than ever!
This past year involved making some difficult decisions. I had booked a Vancouver Island retreat centre for my next writing retreat (originally planned for November 2020). The pandemic put a halt to even the thought of hosting any in-person gatherings. I could have easily given up on the idea of hosting a retreat, waiting until all the conditions were right. However, when I tapped into how much I love bringing people together for several days to collectively focus on our creative projects, cancelling was not an option. Out of my deep conviction and fierce belief in the importance of coming together, I decided to host an online retreat.
Does this feel risky? Yes. Am I on the edges of my comfort zone? Yes. Is that where the growing happens, on the edges of comfort? Hell yes! We have assembled an amazing team to support writers who are ready to say yes to their creative dreams.
My words for 2021 are “Listening” and “Receiving”. The words are intertwined and have already been providing strong guidance for me as I prepare for my online retreat, as well as other writing adventures that will support you to step into your writing project with ease and confidence.
Looking back, I’m so grateful for all the courageous writers who have joined an Adventures in Writing circle. In this present moment, I’m excited for what is unfolding at the start of this brand new year.

Creatively Yours,
Image of Marie leaning against a pillar holding a coffee cup


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The Writing Feedback Guidebook

How to Ask For & Receive Helpful, Supportive Feedback on Your Writing

Not all writing reviewers are created equal! When you hand your carefully crafted pages to someone to provide feedback, the result is often unhelpful & at worst, can be crushing. This FREE guide will help you choose insightful, supportive readers. It will also teach you how to ask for what you need and want from them to continue honing your writing with confidence.