I’d never done Facebook Lives before. The thought of going live online was quite daunting, to say the least. So how did I get from the “daunting thought” to launching and delivering a 3-day series? As I reflect on that question, I realize how much the process of writing together in a group and reading aloud has supported me to expand my audience, first in publishing and navigating my book launch events, and now in dreaming up and hosting live online events. Everything I’ve learned in writing circles has translated into my business journey.
I remember that the first time I read my words aloud in a writing group, I was terrified. Afterwards, I realized I felt heard by that small audience in a way I never had before. Something about that experience opened my mind and heart to the knowledge that there are people who will listen to and benefit from what I have to say… people who are not from my biological family, which has also brought tremendous healing to my writer’s heart.
The practice of writing and sharing in groups supported me not only to write a book – I chose to self-publish. During my book launch events and talks I discovered there are people out there who deeply receive the words I choose to share. Not only that, but my sharing motivates others to craft their own stories and poems. I went from feeling terrified to speak in front of an audience to having fun – who knew! Public speaking was just another expansion of “reading aloud in the circle”. The roots were firmly planted in the nurturing soil of a group of supportive listeners.
Enter FB Live – a series suggested by my business team, a supportive group of people who encourage me to grow and serve more people.
I heard myself saying, “If I’d known how much work it was going to take to create this series, I never would have started.” When have I heard myself say this before? Well …. More than once is all I’ll say. During the FB Live process, I kept returning to my Why, the reason I jumped into this new way of reaching potential clients (like you!).
The writing process I’ve experienced has been a powerful catalyst for self-expression, and this is a huge reason I have dedicated myself to supporting others to grow in the same way. And it seems like there’s always another opportunity for expansion, should I choose to step in that direction. Each level of sharing and being more public has shifted my sense of Self, my role, and my purpose on the planet.
In some ways, this FB Live series felt like walking another Camino– an adventure that required me to put one foot in front of the other, celebrating each stage of the journey. When obstacles arose, and they did, I leaned into my team, my supportive group, who listened and problem-solved and reached out to others when necessary. Together we were bigger than any obstacle, just like on the hero’s journey. In my experience, the FB Live series was a great success, and I actually had fun, once I started teaching the content I wanted to share. I kept envisioning all of you out there, and how much I care about you, your words, and the relationship between writing and receiving.
Should you choose to say yes to your dream of writing – whether that’s just playing with words and having fun, or whether it’s ultimately writing a longer manuscript – I have something for you. Are you ready to meet more of who you are? All you need to do is say Yes and step into the circle.